I stand, looking out at the path that lies before me. All I can see is a minefield of challenges. Yet, I know I must traverse the minefield to understand better my white privilege, ingrained racism, and unconscious bias.
I am taking this journey because my soul is calling me, asking me to be brave, to be willing to stand in multiple worlds, and to help bridge the dimensions.
I am a white woman of privilege. While not born into wealth, many would say I am relatively well off now. We’ve worked hard for all we have, yet still, I was born with the white privilege knapsack strapped firmly to my back.
I have a safe, happy home. I am well educated with a university degree. My children attend a private school. I have always had access to medical treatment, a roof over my head, and food on the table. We own more than one car.
I am a white woman of privilege, and it’s a position I refuse to squander.
I am on the cusp of deepening into this journey. Layer after layer, I understand it's my responsibility to educate myself on the systemic racism that exists, not only in Australia but also in the world.
There are things I do not know. I have blind spots. I cannot yet see, bias' I am not aware of yet. But I am willing to do the work.
While the work is being done, I ask for your patience and forgiveness.
I will make mistakes. But I would rather do that than stay silent.
Like a small child, I am unlearning, unconscious bias, my conditioning, and the beliefs I have been indoctrinated with since birth. I do not know what I do not know. And every day, I get down on my knees and pray for the grace of the infinite to guide me.
It is a start, a beginning of a new phase. Perhaps then, the best place to start is right here…
‘I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I love you.’
With love and respect,