Let go, Trust and Allow
For years, my guidance told me to, ‘let go, trust and allow.’ But I didn’t know what it meant. I was busy creating my life through my mind and willpower. I enjoyed life, but I was working hard to force it in the direction I wanted it to go. It wasn't until I surrendered that I realised there was an entirely different way to experience the world.
For years, my guidance told me to ‘let go, trust and allow.’ But I didn’t know what it meant.
I was young, ambitious, and ego-driven. I enjoyed life, climbing the corporate ladder, a woman leading in a man's world.
I was firmly locked in the illusions of my mind, not aware of the eternal spirit residing within me. It wasn't until I took a walk, 500km along an ancient Earth energy line, I finally began to understand.
While on pilgrimage, I surrendered.
For the first time, I let go of my mind’s need for control.
Since then, I have discovered surrender is the portal to divine power. It's not about handing your power away; rather, it is opening up to allow your true essence to flow within you. Divine power is receptive power.
Further, when we surrender to our divine power, something magical begins to occur. Your life begins to change as you unlock the higher purpose of your life. Everything that no longer serves you begins to fall away.
The more often we surrender into communion with our eternal, unchanging, pure consciousness, the more the illusions of the mind drop away. The more easily you can walk into the illusions of your fear, transmuting them as you do.
Your light is hidden within your deepest fears.
When you truly ‘let go, trust and allow,’ you are invited into a journey that will unfold your divine self and reveal your higher purpose in the world.
This is one journey that eventually we must all take.
Letting go…
Most people walk around in a fog of thoughts, mulling and dredging about the past or worrying about the future. These thoughts often reside in the Beta brainwave state, known as the ego or monkey mind.
When engulfed in the cloud of these thoughts, it‘s not easy to find clear air. It is hard to see a way out of life’s obscurity. We become the victim of our fears and beliefs, which can trigger powerful emotions within the body.
Fortunately, there is a way out of this state. When we ‘let go,’ the brain can open up to what is known as the Aura frequency, a brain wave that occurs around 20Hz. This frequency is the gateway out of the mulling and dredging of the day-to-day Beta brainwave state.
The Aura frequency releases old ‘stuckiness’ and affects all the other frequencies by generally increasing amplitude and variability. It partners with the Gamma brainwave frequency to bring super intuition, wellbeing, connectedness, and unity consciousness.
However, it takes enormous courage to truly ‘let go.’ It is a leap of faith into the unknown. For me, it happened as a profound surrender moment.
My surrender moment.
I was on pilgrimage, walking an ancient Earth energy line from Rottnest Island to Uluru in Western Australia. It is a cool, misty morning before dawn in the rural hills near Toodyay.
Returning from a pre-dawn visit to our hand-dug toilet, I look back towards camp. It's quiet. Standing by the fire, on top of the hill, is the solo silhouette of an Aboriginal Elder, highlighted in the early morning light.
As I watch him, time stops. Ancient memories flood my being. At that moment, the universe opens up, reaching down to embrace me. “You’re not here to be a Landcare Manager; let go, trust and allow.”
I lift my hands with arms outstretched and offer my life to spirit. For the first time, from the depths of my soul, I say, ‘Use me. I am yours.’
With all of my being, I let go.
My life changed from that moment on. Boy, did it change!
My life went into chaos. My work, marriage, home, community, and sense of identity all went up into the air. All that I held close to my heart exploded and went into suspension around me. Nothing was certain. I didn’t know what would become real.
I had to wait and hold the space of not knowing.
This isn't easy because our rational mind craves certainty. The smallest amount of uncertainty can trigger the amygdala to fight, flight, or freeze response. We feel rewarded when we feel certain, and we move towards it even when it’s more beneficial to hold the space of not knowing.
When we surrender, everything is released. Our identity is shattered into a million shards that cannot go back together. We become the observer, the breath, among the shards of our former life.
It is so important to hold open space during times of transformational chaos. To sit in the void of the unknown. This creates the space necessary for the new to show up.
When we truly let go, we have no idea what’s coming next or where our life will go. Instead, it becomes a ride of faith…and trust.
Learning to trust
Trust is the faith we are held by something much bigger than ourselves. Call it God, the universe, or spirit; trust enables us to relax into this thing called life.
Trust gives us hope for a better future. We cannot leap into the unknown unless we trust God is there to catch us.
But the deeper truth is it‘s not God we are learning to trust at all. It’s ourselves. The greatest secret, and perhaps the hardest to embody, is you are God.
Trust is something that needs to be earned. It often takes time to build and is quick to be lost.
As we learn to trust ourselves as God, my suggestion is to take small steps. Give it time, and allow your spiritual self-esteem to build. Be gentle with yourself as you tackle your fears.
Pause often, and return to your heart for guidance. Look for the things that bring you deep feelings of joy, excitement, and love, and use them as your guide. They will guide your next steps and show you where to go. Trust and follow them!
Taking small actions that lead to good results helps reprogram your subconscious mind. They build trust in yourself and God. Having a daily, non-negotiable spiritual practice such as meditation is critical because the beliefs we hold about God and our relationship to God are often the deepest and most challenging to change.
As we gently rebuild trust in God and ourselves, the barriers to our true, eternal self slowly begin to dissolve. Gently, little by little, we become absorbed once again into the mind of God.
Allow life to guide you
Letting go, trusting, and allowing is the precursor to real change. Allowing God to change us is surrender in action. When we allow, we surrender our ego mind’s need for control.
When we allow, we stop fighting and accept life as it is. For me, allowing is a state of grace. Allowing life to be exactly as it gives me the freedom to return to Source. I remember my true self as eternal and unchanging, and my resistance drops away as I breathe myself back into the void of pure consciousness.
This is the state of surrender where divine guidance and power can flow through me. I remember I am safe in the arms of God, who is always working on my behalf.
Three practices to help you let go, trust, and allow
Surrendering is a leap of faith that takes courage. Three practices you can build into your daily life to let go, trust and allow God to guide you are to:
Cultivate a non-negotiable spiritual practice. This could be meditation, yoga, walking, whatever works for you. This is your time to turn up to your relationship with God. There is no way to bullshit God, so the more you can commit and follow-through, the quicker you will begin to trust yourself and God.
Practice pausing throughout your day. Contemplative pauses open the space for transformation in your life. They create the space for the light to enter your mind for insight, breakthrough, and epiphany (2). You can create rituals around your pauses or even set a timer to remind yourself to pause regularly. Importantly, in your pause, do not force the mind to find an answer. Instead, plant an idea to contemplate and allow it to ripple through your consciousness. Allow the answers to arrive when they will. (And they will!)
Act on the guidance you receive. Take small steps to act on your intuition. This will create results that build trust in yourself and your relationship with God. Your intuition is God speaking to you. It comes from your heart in the form of words, images, visions, feelings, or a sense of knowing. The more you practice listening to your intuition, the stronger it will become.
As you let go, trust and allow, you build your relationship with your own eternal Self. Over time, the many sub-conscious fear-based patterns and programs of the ego-mind begin to be seen for what they are — illusions.
Slowly, life changes direction as we let go of people, places, or situations that no longer serve us. Gently the ship begins to turn, pointing you in the direction of your true dreams, the divine purpose hidden in your fears all along.
This is the hero’s journey, where each of us is the hero of our own story. On this path of surrender and higher purpose, life will always present its challenges. These experiences crack us open, taking us deeper and deeper through the illusions of our fears into the jewels of insight, breakthrough, and epiphany (2).
To reveal your light hidden in the shadows and share your divine, creative essence with the world is the greatest service you can offer. It will ripple throughout the quantum field of all life.
Final thoughts
To live your higher purpose is to live with an open heart. It is to surrender to the creative forces of the universe, allowing them to flow through you. It is to dissolve in the nothingness to be reborn anew, a phoenix rising from the ashes.
To unveil our unique divine spark, we must be willing to let go, trust and allow God to guide us. Further, we must descend into the underworld of our deepest fears, transforming them to emerge, once again, as the light of your pure, eternal soul.
This is not a journey for the faint-hearted. It is a warrior's journey for those willing to look beyond the illusions of the third dimension. To surrender is to access the true source of power, which is to be receptive to the divine forces that already exist within you.
I invite you to leap. Surrender…let go, trust and allow.
I am delighted to say it is worth it. Since surrendering, my life has completely transformed. My marriage, work, community, and relationship with my Self and God are the best they've ever been.
You are supported. There may be a period of chaos, but this is an essential part of the transformational process.
The caterpillar must surrender — allowing itself to completely dissolve in the chrysalis before it can re-emerge as the beautiful butterfly.
Let go, trust and allow the process to begin. This is a journey we must all eventually walk. It is the path out of the illusions of our fear back to the Source of all Creation.
It is the journey home.
1/ Rudd, R., (2015) The Gene Keys. Embracing your higher purpose. Watkins Media Limited, London, UK.
2/ Rudd, R., (2018) The Art of Contemplation. The gentle path to wholeness and prosperity. Gene Keys Publishing Ltd, Poole, Great Britain, UK