The question is...will you use it?
Within your cells lay hidden a mysterious force. An eternal flame that sits there, waiting for your command to ignite. Softly flickering away, this flame has the power to transform you, allowing your true essence to emerge completely. The question is, will you use it?
This flame is the violet flame of transmutation, growth and expansion. It exists within the multidimensional layers of your DNA.
It is the essence of transfiguration which eventually leads us to surrender to the light.
This flame lies dormant in most people, never hearing the command to awaken. But this is changing now. We are amidst a global awakening. The flames are flickering into torrents of conflagrations all around the world.
Humanity is waking up. We are being purified.
Deep within your DNA, the violet flame of expansion is waiting for you. It is waiting to hear your voice, your intention, your decision to grow and change and not be afraid of letting go.
It is waiting for you to claim your divinity, or at least come looking for it.
For when you do, it will ignite before your eyes, burning away the dross, the guilt, karma, fears, limiting beliefs, turmoil, trauma, shame. It will burn away all that keeps your light hidden from the world.
The secret though...? It cannot activate without your intention to do so.
It cannot ignite, burn, transmute and transform until you ask for it. If not, it will wait until we are on our knees, desperate and crying for salvation, before it ignites.
The choice is yours.
Do you choose to walk into your shadows now, the flame in hand, empowered to make a change?
Or do you choose to wait till life brings you to your knees, engulfed in darkness before you call it into action?
Our shadows are where our true light resides.
Walk, no run, into the fears holding you back, the bullshit beliefs keeping you small. Go now, with violet flame in hand, and claim your light.
The world needs you. We need you. I need you.
Your light is needed now, more than ever.
Shine brightly, dear one; your essence is eternal.