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The Crumbling

The old must crumble for the new to arise. I believe we are seeing this in our religious, financial and political systems right now.

We are living in times of great change. As we raise our collective vibration, the old will be released, dissolving for the new to emerge.

This can feel chaotic, confusing and scary. What was stable and steady is no longer solid. Long hidden shadows become visible, as darkness is transformed by the light.

If we don’t know what’s happening, this can be difficult and frightening. But with awareness, we become empowered to move through the chaos of transformation with humility, grace, peace and love.

By understanding how systems work, we can support ourselves, and each other, through these times. When the chaos of transformation is upon you, recognise it and breathe.

Let go, trust and allow the process to unfold naturally within you.

This week I wrapped myself in a protective chrysalis and allowed the process to occur. All I could do was be still and breathe. With my foundation crumbling and unable to find my creative muse, I retreated to nature. I walked, wrote, meditated and slept. I had to stop, breathe and wait.

The steadier we are through these times, the more easily we become catalysts for a better future. Like seeds for a new reality, our collective values and vision become the focal point for consciousness to coalesce. Whatever we focus on, we create. The choice is ours.

We are the catalyst for global transformation. As we allow these changes within us, the entire system around us is transformed.

We are the change we want to see.  

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