Transformation is chaotic and can bring great uncertainty. Embracing uncertainty with an open mind creates the space for something new to show up.
But this can be tricky. The void of transformation can feel like a rudderless boat on an endless ocean. Your life may dissolve, crumbling beneath your feet.
Your creative muse may suddenly disappear, unable to be felt. Your life's dreams may no longer be visible.
You are entering the void. Recognise it and breathe. It is the time to let go, trust and allow.
During these times, your dreams have not disappeared. They have come one step closer.
We are designed to bump up against old limitations, to dissolve and emerge as something different. This is metamorphosis of the human being. It is in our DNA and is the key to our evolution.
Too often, we fill the space of uncertainty with something familiar. Or we don't stop long enough to allow the process to unfold. Our rational mind craves certainty and will do anything to fill the space, even when it’s not in our best interest.
I now stop to recognise and respect these times of chaotic stillness as much as times of action. I choose to honour incubation as much as germination, growth and the bearing of fruit.
During the chaos of transformation, work to embrace uncertainty, recognising it for the opportunity it is.
The future is never what we expect. Once we accept this, we begin to dance with the Creator, holding open space as we jump into the void of not knowing, swimming within it.
I believe whatever is in alignment with the greatest version of my life will return. And when it does, it too will be changed, bigger and better than before.
If you are in the chaos of transformation, give it time. Breathe. Know you are safe and all is well.
Often, the greatest seeds are the longest to germinate.