I have been sitting in the fire of my fury these past couple of weeks. As the world rages over deeply ingrained, systemic racism, social conditioning and unconscious bias I sit in the fire, purging internal programs of racism.
This is not comfortable, and neither should it be. I pray this is the watershed moment many have been hoping for to bring lasting change and transformation in our global society.
To the Aboriginal Elders of this land, Australia.
I will not look to you to heal me for I know this is my responsibility.
I will not put you on a pedestal, or expect you to have all the answers. It is unfair to do so and I will not burden you with this responsibility.
However, I will listen, and listen deeply with an open, compassionate heart.
I will defer to your authority when it comes to Country, with humility and respect for your ancestors, ancient lineages and embodied wisdom.
I understand there is a context that is much bigger than just us and I open my heart to understanding this on deeper and deeper levels.
I commit to honouring, respecting and protecting the Earth and Her guardians, keepers and the subtle realms who are willing to partner with us in support of the spiritual awakening of humanity.
I understand I am here in service to something much bigger than just myself. I commit to doing the work to end the illusion of fear and separation. I understand what I do for myself, I do for all others and it is a privilege to do this work.
I understand my role is to return to love, again and again. It is to heal the ancestral lines I carry within me, and to do the deep work of purging the dehumanised heart than has enabled racism and separation on this planet.
I commit to exploring and excavating my white privilege, social conditioning and unconscious bias. I understand I can use my privilege to open the door for Aboriginal people to be seen, heard and empowered in new ways to bring lasting change.
My intent is to participate in heart-cantered, welcoming, safe spaces where we are not seen as other, but where we can caucus together and within our communities to learn, grow and explore new ways of being together.
Thank you to the leaders, young and old, who have dedicated their lives to sharing, teaching and building bridges for a new reality based in union, respect, love and peace.
Finally, I understand words are easy, action is hard. I commit to having the difficult conversations when they arise and to doing the best I can to be the change I want to see in the world.
All my love,