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Seeds of the Stars

A letter to starseed souls.

Dear Starseed soul, 

Welcome! I honour you and thank you for being here. If you feel you’re a starseed soul, I have three things I want you to know:

1) You are not alone - you are divinely supported and there are many others like you. 

2) You are safe – consciousness on this planet is now high enough to safely emerge from the spiritual closet.

3) Your body is not who you are - it is now time to remember and connect to your true self. 

Starseed souls are old souls with a double mission. They are here to raise their consciousness and the consciousness of the planet.

They know the importance of Earth as part of the cosmic plan, a place for integration so we can all return to Source. 

As a starseed you may have felt displaced most of your life. It may have felt like you don’t belong here. Deep in your heart, you may feel your Earth family is not your only family. There are others out there. You may long for a home that feels far away. 

If this is the case, the home you long for is not far away. It is already within you. You can access home through your heart. And when you do, Earth becomes home. It is all here now. There is no separation. 

You are an entangled part of this galaxy. That means everything ‘out there’ is also ‘in here’. Your other family is already with you, feel them now. 

Starseeds have often lived on many planets and in many dimensions.  As old school lightworkers, they have been doing this work for eons, on Earth and elsewhere. There is also a group of Starseed souls known as 'system-busters' who are called specifically to planets that need support transforming from fear into love. Earth is one of those planets Now. 

Because of their work, old souls often carry memories of persecution in their cells. They carry memories of the 'dark times', the 'burning times'. If this is you, you are not alone and there are others to help. Often Starseeds construct a spiritual closet early on in their lives to keep themselves safe. Letting the world see their true selves can be terrifying.  

Starseed souls also find it difficult to be in a physical body. They are often disassociated from their body and can float around half here, half not.  Grounding to the heart of Gaia is very important for Starseed souls to feel safe. If this is you, remember home is already within you. Once grounded, you can use your consciousness to travel anywhere using the gateway within you.

Once this gateway is open, Earth becomes home. All that you are connects with this place.  Welcome home Starseed soul. You are unique, but not special. You are safe and not alone. Its ok to come out of the spiritual closet and let your light shine. 

With love and blessings, 


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