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Schumann Resonance and Brainwaves

Updated: Jan 25, 2023

Reconnecting to unity consciousness.

There is a pulse that unites all living beings. It is the hum of the planet that sings through all life. It is called the Schumann Resonance, and it sings through you too.

When you resonate with these frequencies, you are in harmony with life. However, when you are out of harmony with these natural frequencies, disease occurs.

Below I explore how Schumann Resonance relates to different brainwaves and how you can come back into harmony with the planet’s natural frequencies for improved health and wellbeing.

What is Schumann Resonance?

Schumann resonances are standing resonance waves in the space between the Earth’s surface and the Ionosphere, approximately 100kms above the surface.

The Schumann Resonance has a base frequency of 7.8Hz. This is the radiofrequency. It is also the most sacred sound in the Hindu religion. Above and below this frequency, the planet's pulse also vibrates at ‘notes’ of 14, 20, 27, 33, 39, and 45Hz.

This is the pulse of our planetary body.

Schumann Resonances sing through our being, harmonising our brain to come into unity with all that exists.

Schumann resonances are the pulse that unites all living beings. We fall out of harmony with these resonances when you create an interference pattern between your electromagnetic field and the Earth's electromagnetic field.

These interference patterns occur when a part of our subtle anatomy gets stuck due to a life event. Low-frequency emotions such as fear, guilt, shame, anger, and associated trauma or belief patterns, can get stuck in our subconscious mind and subtle anatomy.

These blocks take us out of alignment with the planet's natural rhythms. They create a disturbance frequency between our individual electromagnetic field and the greater field that emanates from the Earth. These blockages affect our physiology, neurobiology, and chemistry. They are the cause of all diseases.

Once stuck in our subtle anatomy, these fears and limiting beliefs begin to play out in our lives as recurring patterns through our relationships, life circumstances, and physical wellbeing. They also affect your mental processing and brain wave activity, which, when triggered, send signals to the endocrine system to flood the body with uncomfortable hormones.

We dissolve these blocks when we wrap our awareness around them, gently and patiently allowing them to be seen. Awareness is the light of transformation and the act of ‘seeing’ alters them, empowering you to make the life changes necessary for better health and wellbeing.

Brain Waves and the Different States of Consciousness.

In nature, the planet's natural resonances can change our brainwave activity. We can entrain with nature, allowing our system to come into resonance with the larger system of the planet.

In this way, when we ‘let go’ in nature, we open ourselves up to shifts in our brainwave activity that can lead to long-term changes in our mental processing.

Schumann Resonances correlate with our brain waves, with each wavelength associated with a different state of consciousness.

Remember, the Schumann Resonances occur at 7, 14, 20, 27, 33, 39, and 45Hz. Each of these frequencies correlates to a different brain wave state, and therefore a different state of consciousness. I have outlined these below, including what occurs at the 20Hz and 7Hz frequencies when we ‘let go and experience ‘Aha! Moments in nature.

First, the Delta brain wave (0–4Hz) is associated with the unconscious mind and the collective consciousness. It is linked with deep sleep and the dreamless state.

The Theta brain wave (4–7.5Hz) is associated with the subconscious mind and a state of light sleep or deep meditation. It includes the REM dream state and is linked with intuition, memory, and vivid visual imagery.

The Alpha brain wave (7.5–12Hz) is considered the gateway to the subconscious mind. It is associated with light and deep meditation, relaxation, and visualization. It enhances creativity and super learning.

At 7Hz, we experience ‘Aha! Moments and breakthroughs in conscious awareness.

Therefore, when you relax in nature, you create the opportunity for a breakthrough in your awareness.

As the Schumann Resonances help your brain synchronize and come into harmony, you naturally begin to experience more Aha Moments. Further, when this is combined with ‘letting go,’ you give yourself a doorway out of the day-to-day mulling associated with the Beta brain wave.

The high Beta brain wave (23–38Hz) is associated with thoughts and the waking state, mostly ‘dredging and mulling’ about past events. It takes us out of the present moment, either into the past or worrying about the future. Unfortunately, most of our thoughts during the day occur within this brainwave frequency.

Associated with this, the low Beta brain wave (15–18Hz) is also linked with the hyper-vigilant state of the ‘fight, flight or freeze” stress response. This response eliminates input from the periphery, creating tunnel vision and feelings of stress, tension, and anxiety.

When triggered, the autonomic nervous system floods the system with stress hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol, a condition to which many people become addicted.

Fortunately, though, there is also the Aura frequency within the Beta range. The Aura frequency (20–21Hz) is the ultimate ‘letting go’ frequency. It is the gateway out of the ‘dredging and mulling’ of the everyday waking state.

The Aura frequency releases old ‘stuckiness’ and affects all the other frequencies by generally increasing amplitude and variability. It works in partnership with the Gamma brainwave frequency to bring unity consciousness.

The Gamma brain wave (38–44Hz) is linked with super learning, super memory recall, intuition, super focus, and fast information processing. It is a brain's binding frequency, allowing different brain functions to interconnect fluidly. It generates a standing wave that unites all brain areas to generate feelings of unity, wellbeing, and connectedness.

The Gamma brainwave is the sweeping wave that unites your left and right brain to experience unity consciousness.

Our Collective Disharmony

Presently, the collective human aura is out of harmony with the planet's pulse. As a species, we are addicted to stress, rushing from one thing to the next with an urgent demand. We generate an inference pattern between our species and all life on Earth.

The collective human aura of stress now sheaths the entire planet. (2)

It is difficult to find a place on Earth not affected by this collective field. We can, however, contribute harmonious, high vibration frequencies to create a ripple through this field in support of the whole.

The quickest way out of stress is through the breath. The mind follows the breath, and when you are stressed, you’ve forgotten how to breathe.

Through the breath, you can shift the sympathetic nervous system from ‘fight, flight or freeze’ to the parasympathetic nervous system response of ‘rest and digest. One of the quickest ways to do this is to slow your breath down, breathing in for four counts and out for six.

Letting each breath go with an audible sigh lets the nervous system know you are very safe. This is a trigger for it to come out of ‘fight, flight or freeze,’ but it takes practice and patience. Stress is a habit, and the process of rewiring our nervous system takes time.

There are many tools to rewire your subconscious mind and release blocks from your subtle anatomy to support you. Advanced brain training, such as NeurOptimal Neurofeedback, a session with an Intuitive Guide, hypnotherapy, or nature therapy, are powerful tools.

Whatever tools you use, the process is enhanced by immersing yourself in healthy nature. If you are privileged enough to have access to healthy nature, you can ‘let go’ and allow nature to change you through Schumann's resonances.

All it takes is a few moments of loving self-care and practice.

3 Minute Reset — Nature’s Breath

When we are stressed, we forget how to breathe. Our breathing becomes shallow, our cells deoxygenated. We forget we are one with all life.

You can use your breath and the power of nature to begin the process of resetting your nervous system. My invitation is to take yourself to a place in nature where you feel safe. A place that inspires you and naturally opens your heart.

Acknowledge all the living beings and ask permission to be there. Use your intuition to feel, know, see or hear the Earth’s response. Trust the response. If your intuition tells you to leave, move to a new place. If it feels intuitively right, stay and get comfortable.

Place your hands on your belly. Take 3 large, deep yogic breaths, breathing in for 4 and out for 6 counts. Let each breath go with an audible sigh. This signals to your nervous system you are very, very safe.

Allow your body to relax and sink even more deeply into the Earth. Allow your breath to return to its own natural rhythm, like ocean waves gently rolling onto a sandy beach.

Let go of thoughts as they arise, focusing on the sound of your breath on the shore.

Gently, let your awareness fall deep down into your belly, into the core of your being.

Breathe here for a moment.

Let go, trust and allow. Let the outside world slip away. Just for a moment, let yourself dissolve, knowing you are perfectly safe and perfectly held.

Ask for a conscious energetic connection with Earth. Ask Her to come to you.

You may feel an energy shift in your body. You may feel a sensation of energy moving in your field, see a vision, hear words, or experience tingling or a temperature change. Whatever it is for you is perfect. Allow any feelings or sensations to move through your body.


Allow Earth to hold you. Feel Her in the space around you. You are safe, dearly loved, and perfectly divine. You are never alone.

Breathe in safety, breathe out peace. Breathe in love, breathe out gratitude.

You might like to ask, “what do I need to know?” Don’t expect the answer to be in English. It might be, but it may also be the sensation of energy flowing into your body, dissolving old blocks. It may be a download of light. It may be an image or a single word. Whatever, it is perfect.

All will be revealed at the right time.

Do this regularly and allow yourself to slow down. Give yourself the gift of conscious breath in nature as often as possible. The mind follows the breath and awareness is the light of transformation.


1/ Zengar NeurOptimal Neurofeedback Advanced Brain Training Systems, Cartography of Consciousness.

2/ Rudd, R., (2015) The Gene Keys. Embracing your higher purpose. Watkins Media Limited, London, UK.

Photo by Pixabay

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