How to communicate with Gaia
The language of the Earth is a felt language. It is a transmission of energy felt by the heart and received by our intuition. If you have ever received love radiating from your pet or had a life-changing encounter with a wild animal, you have received a transmission.
Gaia’s transmissions can be received from all life, including beings you may not think are ‘alive’. These include rocks, trees, waterways, or landscapes such as mountains. Each of these beings carries a particular frequency and is a holder of sacred knowledge.
The key to receiving these transmissions comes from honing our intuition and the heart's ‘eyes and ears’. Below are five keys to help you improve your communication with planet Earth.
1. Let go of the mind
As a species, humans are often trapped in their minds. The ‘ need to know’ is strongly hardwired and linked to our survival. It often takes us out of the present moment, where we ruminate about the past or worry about the future. Society rewards us for rational, logical thinking, and academic knowledge; we feel safe when the mind is in control.
However, mystics and spiritual teachers tell us true understanding comes from the heart. The heart is the portal to our intuitive mind where we see (clairvoyance), know (claircognizance), hear (clairaudience) or feel (clairsentience) information. To connect with the intuitive mind, we must let go, trust and allow.
The intuitive heart-mind can access the quantum world of Gaia, beyond the limitations of the rational mind
2. Open the heart
Your heart is the portal for Gaia’s transmissions. The heart creates the largest electromagnetic field in the body. It is also the centre through which we can adjust our feeling state. When we come into harmony with the planet through feelings of love, gratitude, joy or peace, a communication channel opens up between our electromagnetic and planetary fields.
Opening your heart like a flower allows you to settle, rest, and shift your vibration into resonance with the planet. The communication channel that opens between your and planetary systems allows for local and non-local communication, meaning you can receive information about the local environment or elsewhere non-locally through the quantum field.
3. Acknowledge consciousness
Acknowledging consciousness shifts the frequency of a place. In doing so, you invite the unseen to be ‘seen’. Verbally acknowledging the guardians, keepers, and ancestors honours them and invites them to be part of the conversation.
Science and the immutable universal laws tell us everything is consciousness. Everything exists in various states of vibration, where particles and waves resonate to create our reality. Consciousness exists in all things.
Introducing yourself verbally acknowledges the consciousness of the seen and unseen beings that live there.
4. Ask for permission
A key to planetary communication is to ask permission to connect. Asking permission honours the innate intelligence and complexity of the planetary system. Some places may be appropriate for connection, while others may not.
The planet is a highly complex, living system. Energy flows through an interconnected matrix of consciousness.
Asking permission allows Earth to guide you on how to best communicate with her.
If you do not receive permission through your intuition (either felt, seen, known or heard), please show respect and leave.
5. Relax, let go and be open to receive
Finally, your intuition flows from a relaxed state. Expectation or needing to know comes from the mind and shuts down our intuitive channels. Using the breath to relax and let go allows your system to unwind and come into resonance with the whole.
A relaxed state shifts your brainwaves into harmony with the Schumann resonance of the planet (7.8hz). Relaxation can shift us into the Alpha brain wave (7.5–12Hz), considered the gateway to the subconscious mind. At 7Hz, we experience ‘Aha! Moments’ and breakthroughs in conscious awareness. Therefore, when you relax in nature, you create the opportunity for planetary communication and a breakthrough in your awareness. As the Schumann Resonance helps your brain synchronize and come into harmony, you naturally begin to experience more planetary transmissions and Aha Moments.
Final thoughts
Every person is intuitive. Through practice, these intuitive abilities can be refined and deepened. Connecting regularly, and forming heart-based relationships with the plants, trees, rocks, and waterways opens up a whole new world of mystery and magic as the unseen realms of Mother Earth begin to reveal themselves.
Please be patient. A transmission may come, or it may not. Such moments of grace are unpredictable, and cannot be hurried. In the meantime, you can practice relaxing and letting go in nature, allowing Mother Earth to hold you. You can share your story with her, and ask for what you need. Most importantly, always remain open to receiving.